UK VALVES INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD.is one of the major international manufacturer and supplier of Europe in the field of fluid control, the company is headquartered in Wales, the company is committed to research and development, production and fluid control equipment systems in many countries have production bases , outstanding in the same industry-leading position. 【调节阀 进口调节阀 调节阀品牌 UK调节阀】—英国UK(优科) 调节阀系列 电动调节阀,气动调节阀,三通调节阀,手动调节阀,蒸汽调节阀,碳钢调节阀,压力调节阀,温度调节阀,笼式调节阀,给水调节阀,铸钢调节阀,单座调节阀,温控调节阀,铸铁调节阀,防爆调节阀,套筒调节阀,防火调节阀,角式调节阀,合流调节阀,双座调节阀,分流调节阀,自力式调节阀,精小型调节阀,电子式调节阀,不锈钢调节阀,电动高压调节阀,电动高温调节阀,气动高压调节阀,气动高温调节阀等。 1~阀门材质; 铸铁、铸钢、碳钢WCB、不锈钢304.304L.316.316L、 锻钢A105、合金钢、铬钼钢等. 2~连接方式; 法兰、螺纹、对焊、承插焊、卡箍 3~传动方式; 手动、气动、电动、蜗轮、伞齿轮、手自一体化等. 4~阀门压力; 0.6-45MPa,150-4500LB,10-20K 5~阀门温度规格: 口径DN15-500,温度-196℃-600℃ |